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Episode 9: PetScreening - A Story of Growth with David Stunja

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About the Episode:

In this episode of Beyond the Build, Kevin Carney and David Stunja deep-dive into the world of PetScreening. They elaborate on how data and their unique platform are transforming pet screening processes for property managers. Also, they discuss the novel scoring system that provides a "FICO score" for pets. The discussion further expands to their office operations, staff engagement, and their commitment to excellent customer service. Don't miss out on this episode to understand how PetScreening is changing the property management landscape.


  1. https://www.petscreening.com/ - Core business geared more towards long-term rentals
  2. https://www.fidoalert.com/ - Amber Alert for pets. Protect your pet with a FidoTabby Alert profile & a FidoTabby Alert tag (first tag is free). 
  3. https://betterpet.com/ - Veterinarian-approved content


About the Guest: David Stunja, COO at PetScreening

As COO, David manages PetScreening's core business and enjoys the rolling-up-his-sleeves aspect of problem-solving from sales & marketing to client success to finance. Prior to PetScreening, David was a corporate strategist within the payments industry and a marketing manager within the chemicals industry. He relocated to Charlotte from DC with his MBA from Maryland's Smith School of Business & an Industrial Engineering degree from Penn State. David's passionate about using technology to turn innovative ideas into new businesses and connecting like-minded people. He's married to a fellow Penn Stater, and a father to two toddlers & an adopted, hike-loving dog. 


About the Host: Kevin Carney, Managing Partner at Kingsmen Software

Kevin Carney is a Managing Partner at Kingsmen Software. As Client Partner, Kevin assists clients in their transition from Sales to Delivery and then maintains a relationship to ensure successful completion. A Finance major by training, Kevin bridges the gap between business and technology, especially for Kingsmen’s banking and capital markets clients. Kevin has 30 years of experience in consulting to financial services institutions. 


About Kingsmen Software:

We are dedicated, experienced practitioners of software development. We grow software iteratively and adapt quickly to changing business objectives, so we deliver the right software at the right time. Our proven approach combines processes, tooling, automation, and frameworks to enable scalability, efficiency, and business agility. Meanwhile, our advisory & coaching services enable technology leaders, business partners and their teams to learn and adapt their way to sustainable, collaborative, and data-driven operating models.


Production Credits:

Produced in partnership with Mistry Projects: https://mistryprojects.com/

Kevin Carney 00:12

Welcome to Kingsmen software with beyond the build podcast. This is Kevin Carney, one of the managing partners that Kingsmen software and I will be hosting today's podcast, our sound engineers, the one and only Bill Clerici, our intrepid CEO here at Kingsmen. Software and also self proclaimed AV nerd. That's true. Thank you, Bill. How do you start off every meeting? Welcome. Welcome. That's my job. That's your job. Agenda Item number one. Yep. Welcome. Alright, Kingsman. We pride ourselves on building enterprise quality software, and we have the privilege of meeting some pretty interesting people along the way. So come join us to meet the visionaries, the disruptors, the entrepreneurs and the innovators that envision new technology solutions that that we help bring to life. Come here. What happens beyond the build? Today from the Kingsman podcast studio, now the bourbon studio right bill, it is the bourbon bourbon studio. We're talking with David Stunja from PetScreening. And for those who haven't heard of pet screening, they're the industry's first and leading pet policy management platform. They're based in Mooresville, North Carolina, just north of Charlotte, and in Boston from a small startup to a nationwide company. And candidly the fascinating growth story. David is a CEO of pet screening, and was named one of business North Carolina's Trailblazers for 2022. Congratulations. Thank you. Welcome, David.


David Stunja 01:26

Thanks. Thanks for having me, Kevin.


Kevin Carney 01:28

So let's catch people up with explaining the basics of pet screening, and then throw down some stats, how big as a company, how broadly spread out across the nation, how fast you're growing all the good stuff lately that dawned on us here?


David Stunja 01:38

Sure. So we help residential property managers manage their household pet risk. So how we do that is we live in their application process. And so as folks apply online to live in a particular community, we pick up applicants through that flow. And we help to screen pets and animals through that process. And so we give data back to property managers to help them understand, well, how much risk are they taking by renting to a certain individual and their pet, and you got to funny, or at least a little friendly risk score along the way for property managers. So every pet through our platform is assigned a risk score, that we have kind of tongue in cheek play off of FICO score, every pet gets a FIDO score, if I tell property managers can use up item score to optimize their policies, optimize the pricing, and then make better decisions at the end of the day.


Kevin Carney 02:27

Nice. Is there a tabby score as well or no? It was a FICO. Everything's a five cents that with FICO. Okay, so how big how many passed to the platform? How many employees? Do you have whatever metrics? Yeah,


David Stunja 02:39

thank you. So for some stats, yeah. So we are nationwide, we have customers in all 50 states, we have 90 to 100 full time non developing employees in our office in Mooresville, North Carolina. With developers, we have just over maybe 125 folks helping out with PetScreening at any given day. We have over 20,000 property management clients across the nation. And millions of pets on our platform. I think we will cross over 3 million pets on our platform later this year. million pets. That's a lot of pets. Okay. And so does some other stats of you know, how is this possible? So PetScreening, we have a unique business model, we are free for housing providers to use completely free, we do not charge property managers, we do not charge asset managers or investors. Well, we charge pet owners to that flow, we charge $25 a year. So there's an annual component to it all. So it's a volume based business. And how is it all works is basically 70%. Seven 0% of all US households are pet owning household. So yeah, sure. And you don't just have one dog, you know, as your dog gets older, you might get another dog to keep it company. So there's 1.6 Pets per pet home. So the numbers start to get to hundreds of millions of pets across the nation 40 to 50 million long term rental units out there. So we have across those, you know, over 20,000 accounts 20,000 customers with PetScreening. We have about four to 5 million units. We think in terms of units like apartments. Yeah, sure. Four to 5 million units on our on our platform. That all adds up to a lot of pets. Yeah, a lot of people and a lot of users and


Kevin Carney 04:12

these mostly apartment complexes or are they single family home rentals or?


David Stunja 04:16

Yeah, so great question. So we are segment agnostic. So we really started out the business started out in the single family space. So think of four walls or roof, driveway, a fenced in yard for your dog. So we started in that space kind of mom and pop property managers. That's where John Bradford the founder of pet screening, that's where it he had built a previous business lived the problem build a software company to solve that particular problem. So that's really where we got our start. We expanded into to further into single family in 2019. We raised a small amount of capital, raise a million and a half for our seed round. And that helped us to expand to the to the multifamily sector to surface those larger and more dense, lower footprint multifamily communities. And so that could be your class Say and so we're still kind of class agnostic. So segment agnostic and class agnostic. So, you know, triple a property's in South Beach, Miami, all the way down to you are okay, all the way down to your, you know, class B Class C garden style, maybe like in Branson, Missouri for, for example.


Kevin Carney 05:17

So with uh, you said in 2019, you got some seed money, and they started moving to multifamily. That must have been the perfect timing with COVID. And everyone's getting pets. I mean, 2020, of course, being COVID. But people getting pets and apartments being very popular because of the housing crash earlier like that. That must be the sweet spot, right?


David Stunja 05:38

Absolutely. Yeah. So you know, some of this is, you get lucky with timing right place right time. And that has been part of our story we've worked don't get me wrong, we've worked very, very. Now. Sometimes you get so known as sometimes you get it better to be lucky than good sometimes, right. And so a lot of that is Right Place Right Time. And that was definitely part of our story of pet screening, how we've grown, the business is right place, even when the pandemic hit, we only had 10 employees, we were shared a commercial real estate of a two story building with the landlord who so there was only two of us in the building, we shared a stairwell and was just kind of like a friendly agreement. Hey, let's, you know, I'll be respectful. So from that standpoint, an employee base was is we were able to be much more flexible and dynamic, then maybe much lower larger companies, right. And so outside of that, you hit the nail on the head. So essentially it we hit the market at the right time. When pets started to boom, it was growing fast before the pandemic it would pets have been one of the fastest growing demographics going into the pandemic and maybe one of the only positive things maybe there's two positive things that have come out of the pandemics. So you know, silver linings, right. One is people went out and adopted pets like crazy. Adoption facilities, couldn't keep pets. They were, you know, their their shelters were empty. People were coming to adopt pets because they were home more. So consultants were our you know, home salespeople were home. Those folks who grew up with pets, their pet lovers, but maybe too busy or traveled too much to have pets, everyone went out adopted pets. Renting is still very, very healthy that industry is a healthy, healthy industry. You know, housing got very competitive, it was competitive before the pandemic, there's a supply demand issue with not enough houses and homes out there. And as interest rates have risen, it has made renting a very, very healthy industry. And so pets, rentals, and people being able to work remote, a little bit more a little bit more flexibility. Right. And so that has really helped with with with our business for sure.


Kevin Carney 07:43

You mentioned the new or sorry, you mentioned that you've 190 200 full time employees and you were in a small office we started but now you moved to a bigger office recently. And a new one soon, right? Yes, I've seen some photos of it. Tell us a little about how this this like working with pets all day. It's gonna be a lot of fun, right? Oh, it's Well, I'm sure you have lots of puns. I'm sure that your office is very pet friendly. Like tell us a bit about that.


David Stunja 08:07

Yeah, sure. So we are offices in downtown Mooresville. So kind of off the beaten path a little bit but we're in like in an industrial building and actually used to be a denim factory. So that would make denim, you know, jeans, they're years and years and years ago. And so we have we have space now we're actually moving across the parking lot to a much larger space to basically double our footprint in more but so yeah, very W pop rail. Hey, there we go. All right, number one for the number one for the buckets. So we you know we call it our pack. Right and so welcome to our pack whether you're an employee or customer, you know we welcome you to our to our community to our pack. Within our office. It's a very outdoors, very easygoing, relaxed environment. So are they're not called cubicles. They're called not called workspaces. They're called yards so they're built out of wooden fence posts. We actually have a contractor that builds them all for us. And so our team works out of those. And within our buildings, so it's very outdoors feel so we have late 60s So think of a tow behind camper trailer. Oh that kind of thing. Exactly. So it's a Shasta so we've you know put like the little lawn chairs out in front of it with the fake turf grass and right at the awning and sitting out of it. So imagine you got your laptop and you know maybe you've been in your work and in your yard all day and you're sending a few emails you can go over there and and hang out as if you're just hanging out outside and you know it's summer hot out here in Charlotte and so a nice relaxing place to to work for part of the day in the office. You can go in the trailer there's like a little bit of a bed some of them some pillows so if you wanted to take a break you could some folks will go in there like some folks from our client success team will go in there and take voicemails from customers and sprung back to them in their it's a nice little quiet space. I myself use it for a lot of individual meetings. But then after four o'clock it can also turn into where we host happy hours for our team. So we call this Shasta and trailer are Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark. And so after, you know, four o'clock happy hour time, some days when we're hosting happy hours, we can change the Bark Park into a bar park so we have a bit your fridge in there and a human skull, you know a wine like little fridge and you know just look a little cooler to keep some fun things on the side. But it's been a great place for us to grow our team and to continue to grow our footprint and culture in North Charlotte.


Kevin Carney 10:36

And of course you must have a bring your pet to work day every day.


David Stunja 10:39

Absolutely absolutely. So at any given time, especially as our as our in office team has grown over 90 employees now we'll cross over 100 here fairly soon. Any given day, there's 1010 dogs running around. On Sundays, we have a bearded dragon beauty she'll hang out in our office as well. She doesn't just roam around, she's got her you know, her habitat. And then we've had two goats our employees know are very animal. Gorgeous, really. So we've had two goats come in for their photo shoots. So pet screening we are the first mover we've made the market and so we've realized that when you're the first mover that you no one knows your solution exists so becomes a marketing riddle to solve so we have a studio in there. And so not only when new employees join our pack on within your first week you get a nice headshot in our studio where we can you know it's all set up with with nice cameras to take headshots, but you also get your pets or animals you bring them in the office and they got their own professional headshot. So our employees yes one of them brought her two goats we've had cats in there we've had a not some form of a porcupine in our office like a little kind of little friendly rodent porcupine. Okay, so very, you know, our Packer are very animal pet friendly. pet lovers.


Kevin Carney 11:59

Has there been any sort of conflict in the office with dogs chasing cat?


David Stunja 12:03

No, but it brings up a really good point though. So now we have to manage that. Right? Right as a software company and a SaaS company like we happen to be in the pet space in the Prop tech space. So we now have we use our own platform to manage our in house, our team, our packs pets when they're when they're in the office. And so we have a flex work schedule. So every other Monday is remote. And every Friday is remote, office optional, which you know, remote. So for the most part, there will be weekends or there will be weeks where you're in the office Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, you can work remote Monday, the following week, you can work remote. So there are dogs that haven't seen each other Thursday to Tuesday. So when we hit those weeks, the dogs are so excited to be back to work. The dogs are so excited. And our employees are excited too. But yeah, what Tuesday mornings after kind of that two double day remote. A lot of a lot of energy in


Kevin Carney 13:02

Taurus. Yeah. Okay, interesting. So I'm gonna play off the pet thing a little bit. You can see it 3 million pets in your database. What's the the honestly, strangest, most unique pet I heard goats? What else? You got your database much more than just dogs, cats. And sure, bearded dragons.


David Stunja 13:20

I'll talk a little bit about the business and we'll we'll get . And so


Kevin Carney 13:23

if the joke is I'm


David Stunja 13:24

looking for Okay, all the joke. There's serious. Okay, on our platform. We have seen pigs and I'll tell you why we've seen pigs like pot bellied pigs, pigs, and we've seen pigs. We have seen a lot of if it's not a dog or a cat, it's usually a rabbit. We've seen property managers wants a FIDO score for every fish in a fish tank. That's probably been the most unique


Kevin Carney 13:49

Seems extensive. I mean, piranhas is maybe beta fish, maybe not but sure.


David Stunja 13:55

And we've seen all kinds of different rodents, whether it's a porcupine, or we have seen a parameter to believe it or not what so there are not just dogs and cats out there everyone you know there are all kinds of animal creatures species out there living in your apartments.


Kevin Carney 14:15

I would have thought you would say like chinchilla. Oh, do you see? I just like saying the word chinchilla. Snakes. Snakes. Yeah, like your emotional support. Boa Constrictor. Yeah.


David Stunja 14:25

So as part of the business, right? Yeah, sure.


Kevin Carney 14:26

Okay. All right. Let's get to some more serious points here. So property managers, let's go to them for a little bit. So three of them. And I'm in the midst of difficulties navigating the waters, right. It's one thing you just want to know that your tenant has a pet and what sort of liability you're facing if you know the pet gets loose, what sort of damage you might have in your in your apartment and what sort of policies you have, but there has to be a whole lot more to that right. There has to be some The legal stumbling blocks you might fall into, I have to leave in property managers, there's a lot of turnover and leasing agents. And so they're training more people is you talk to one leasing manager, you get one star, you're talking about at least the magic of the different stories like, like, what's the what's the value that you get as a property manager?


David Stunja 15:17

Yeah, so talk about life before pet screening. So before pet screening, you as a property manager, you'd use some software to help you run your business, right. And so that's to manage applications coming to the flow, that's to manage leases and maintenance requests, try to drive residents to renew their lease and, you know, decrease that vacancy, decrease that term time, right. And so pets in that process, if there's 70%, pets across US households, it's a lot of pets, it's gonna be across your most of your portfolio, certainly the majority of it. So the software that they use to run their business, pets have just for decades been an afterthought. So the only track is maybe dog or cat, maybe the name, breed, an age, maybe vaccination, like a lot of maybes, so then everything else, if it wasn't dog breed age, or species age, weight, what have you, those may be four or five data points, that it was manually collected, it was either collected on paper, hey, print us out your vaccination records and give it to us, email it over, and they'll have it. And so if you think about, if there's any sort of manual collection, you're never gonna get the same amount of data, and you're never gonna get it 100% of the time. So lack of data was one of the things that existed in the industry. Just because pets have been such an afterthought, to all the software providers, they want to lease apartments and, and get people people signing leases and staying in their community, while those people are also bringing pets with them. Right. They're part of their family. Now,


Kevin Carney 16:50

these are platforms like yardie, MRI, and okay, exactly, res man, maybe.


David Stunja 16:55

And one site, which is a real page, a real page product, and real patient has a suite of products just for just for this industry, right. And so before pet screening, also, you have this proliferation of assistance animals, and so you would see it on the airlines, right, you probably saw these headlines, right before COVID of woman brings peacock emotional support peacock into the airplane. That's right, right. Exactly. Yeah, it gets the clicks, right. And so that same thing is happening in housing. And so you have these rules, you have these constraints, like your breed restrictions, you know, you're you're, we don't allow pitbulls. We don't allow German Shepherds, we don't allow Huskies we don't allow dogs over 40 pounds, you can only have two animals or two pets, right? So there's a lot of constraints. And the industry has never really stopped to take a second and be like, Okay, why do these exist? Well, you know, what, if they do think about it, it's because well, their neighbor has it. It's what they've had forever. And this is the industry standard, right? But over time, consumers have become educated, right? And so you've seen in the airlines have emotional support animals in the air, right? And so then it's like, okay, well, if I want to live with this one particular community, whether that is in Miami, or San Francisco, or Dallas, or in South End, Charlotte, consumers educated so they're going to start trying to find ways to, you know, get their people in the apartment community where they want to live where they want to be, they want to be around their friends and in the like. So they're either going to not tell the property manager about that you know, about their pet, because it doesn't meet the breed restrictions. Or they're going to call it an assistance animal. And so the industry has seen a proliferation proliferation of this happening. So actually budgeting for less pet rent, because it's happening so much.


Kevin Carney 18:45

So really, if they're forecasting less rent, because you can't charge for


David Stunja 18:49

cannot charge for an assistance animal because it's medically prescribed to someone who says they have a disability,


Kevin Carney 18:55

is there a difference between an assistance animal and an emotional support animal?


David Stunja 18:59

So within so then the rules are different. The rules are different. For the ADEA. public areas. Rules are different for housing, the rules are different for airlines, right. Okay. So they're different across the board. So in housing, the rules that HUD have written is an assistance animal is the umbrella that's borrowed from the ADEA. service assistance, animals are broken into two categories. There are service animals, which can only be dogs outside the state of California and California is made it easier. So then there's these nuances, right. And then there are service animals and support animals service support animals is where it kind of the emotional support animals, comfort animals, therapy, animals, all these kinds of like, are just other names for support animals. So before pet screening property managers and people on the front lines, leasing agents, who have to deal with a lot on a day to day basis, they would also have to know how to validate an assistance animal with someone sitting right in front of them. And so some of that is, you know, some of that you can require documentation which would be like a lead are like almost like, hey, my kids sick can't come to school today. Right? Well, it has to have certain elements to it like this person, David is disabled and his disability requires him to have this emotional support animal Pipal. Right. Yeah. That, you know. Yeah, there's different ways to go about it right. And so before pet screening that person on the spot would have to have that conversation and to assess and verify and go through that process, right, who they've been trained. But you mentioned it, there's a high turnover in our industry, there's high turnover of leasing, consultants, leasing agents, people who work on site, are really the front lines of managing leases on a day to day basis. So then you're constantly retraining, it takes a lot of effort and bandwidth. So what the industry has said is, since you cannot charge anyone you can't charge for pet rent, you can't charge pet fees for assistance animals, because they're medically required, right? That their industry is budgeting for less pet rent, and they don't want the liability. They don't want, you know, just a slight slip of tongue you you could ask something like, Do you have a disability? But you cannot ask, what is your disability. So someone might have like, just forgotten that or had a bad morning and wanting to call BS on somebody because they don't believe it. There's a lot of there are a lot of non observable disabilities out there, PTSD, and the like. And so called Big corporations, the C suite, the SVPs. They're worried about liability. And they say, We don't want to have the headline. David, property management hates disabled veterans, right. So what they tell their team is, just don't


Kevin Carney 21:39

ask, don't ask. So you see your platform collects all this information in a structured sort of way. That has been vetted already. And so you don't ask those bad questions.


David Stunja 21:49

Exactly. So our question, our platform follows in the decision tree follows HUDs guidelines, right? And it adheres to some of the dynamic nests of are you? Are you moving to California? Or are you in a different state sort of thing. So it follows the rules where the rules are different. So it's fairly dynamic as you're going through the decision tree. So before a pet screening, you'd have to manually do this, and the industry was basically just telling their employees just don't even bother, like, that's the Get Out of Jail Free card. Right, right. And so with pet screening, the property management company becomes the ally to say, hey, you know, David, we work with third party pet screening company, they're going to help both of us through this process. So pet screening was a safe place, it's a secure place where you can upload all this information, it's the exact same information every single time. So the property management company can be, you know, comfortable that they know, they're asking the required questions, not some some derivative of that, right. And that we're going to actually take on the verification process for them. So we have an in house team, a large part of our team is actually people who will all day review documentation that has been submitted on behalf of our customers. So applicants or renewing residents that are saying, Hey, these are my, this is my assistance animal, we go through and verify and that it meets HUD's requirements and that it is a verifiable assistance animal, they'll go one step further, and they'll contact the medical providers office interesting to get that final like, you know, with Photoshop, and now we will talk about AI kind of later, but like, now, with all this, like proliferation of technology, consumers have like there's really powerful tools right at their fingertips, they can create a lot of things. So without contacting, making that last step to contact the provider's office, and they say yea or nay Hey, this, this came this letter for David came from our office is basically what we look for. That extra validation step helps to validate that we're weeding out all of the created and creative documentation out there.


Kevin Carney 23:46

Right, right. So it would, in theory, this allows the property manager to charge pet pet rent, where they should have been charging. And also for the people that literally we have these these disabilities, you know, they they can make sure that they're not charging them. And so they have a much better I guess, accuracy, or they they know they're not leaving something on the table when they when they shouldn't be Right,


David Stunja 24:13

correct. Yeah. So this is a way using PET screening is a way to minimize your liability, maximize compliance. So it's not just about pets and assistance animals. It's also about your folks who are applying and moving in without a pet. So they still have to acknowledge your pet policy. At the end of the day, their boyfriend girlfriend might be bringing a pet over every weekend, they might be the gig economy is great, right? Uber and Lyft and DoorDash and all that stuff. There's, you know, a platform where you can sign up to watch people's pets as they go on vacation, right? It's expensive to board someone or to board an animal, it's expensive to board an animal. And so you would maybe want to drop out off at someone's apartment or someone's home that you know is an animal lover or a pet lover. They're gonna take great care of your pet and you're gonna pay them you know, some Some nightly fee right and that's happening in the in the apartment spaces. And so basically like our net we have also have a no pet profile that gets everyone on the record to say, hey, non pet owners will attest that they they don't have a pet today they won't get a pet tomorrow if they do, they'll, you know, let the property manager know of course, but they won't have they won't dogs it or pets it their boyfriend girlfriend will bring a pet over every single weekend, sort of things, just the get everything buttoned up, their I's dotted and T's crossed. So that's an extra layer of liability protection for property managers just expectations. Yeah, exactly. So so you're collecting the information. It's easily accessible, you're minimizing liability, you're maximizing compliance. And yeah, so if on pets, we're bringing structured data, consistent data, in a summarized way through our FICO score, that helps property managers take a step back and say, Okay, with this data, I can make better decisions, which might be something like, I want to get rid of my breed restrictions, I want to vary my fees based on the risk of that individual pet and pet owner, which hopefully, in the end, helps to put more money back in their pocket. We're free service. So it goes straight to the income line, not necessarily revenue line where, you know, there's expenses and subscriptions and all that so I'm biased, but it's completely it's pretty compelling for property managers.


Kevin Carney 26:19

So if you are a property manager, do you also have the ability to have tiered rent structures? So if someone has a gerbil it's pretty low right? Some of the 10 pound dog probably pretty low someone has a husky the ability for damage and whatnot liability is higher Is there is there a tiered pay structure or is just kind of one si ze fits all


David Stunja 26:43

and it's really up to the project manager how do they want to use our tool


Kevin Carney 26:47

school take the FICO score is like it's like if you have a credit score right if you want to go for a mortgage loan your insurance this or if you have a different FICO score your trade something else right


David Stunja 26:57

100% So our FICO score, it follows kind of Google's ratings right so if you're a restaurant it would be a five star restaurant so if your pet owner on PetScreening you want to have that five paw dogs or Fido square goes from five to one. If you're the if you are the property manager and you got your breed restrictions you can or pet restrictions, you can load all that stuff in so we actually have a zero Paul score for anything that triggers or restriction. But over time, we want property managers to rely on that FICO score one paw most amount of risk five, paw at least amount of risk use that to absolutely yeah, you can use our tool to assign out variable pet fees pet rent, we will inform the pet owner, we will inform you and your team as to like what is the assigned pet fee pet rent a one time fee, whatever it is, you're absolutely 100% You should use PetScreening in my mind that way. You can walk or you can crawl, walk run with our platform and


Kevin Carney 27:56

Bill comm missed it. You missed that one.


David Stunja 28:00

Trot that was a good one. Yeah. Yeah. So there's several ways and several capabilities to use PetScreening from the the property manager side of things. Usually, it's just to start out, hey, let's collect consistent information. Let's have PetScreening, take off the assistance animal that verification process for us. Let's take that off of our plate. And over time they become educated, comfortable, confident in how to use a vital score to vary their fees and their rents or their policies.


Kevin Carney 28:27

So you said there's a $25 annual fee, whatever the fee is, what the point is, is an annual fee. Right? So it keeps the the the tenant coming back. Do property managers follow up with an existing tenant today? Do they? As an example. I've been renting in a place for three years. In that time my rabies vaccine has expired. Have I gotten a new one? Like I do usually like an annual review and keep it consistent? And did property managers do that before but screening?


David Stunja 28:57

Yeah, absolutely. So no, they did not do that before patch screening, they will tell you that they did or that they are good, right? But absolutely not they were not doing it because they do have a lot of things to manage and what they're worried about as leases. That is the number one thing is you know, minimize vacancy and drive leases, right? Economically, right. And so, absolutely. So pet owners pay $25 per pet per year. They need to keep they need to keep that profile active throughout that whole residency. So as long as you're living at a pet screening customers community, you need to keep that pet profile active. And so then what do they get out of that? Right and so they're paying our profile their property managers requesting and requiring it. Pet owners actually get a digital product out of it that they can use to share their pets information right their fingertips. So if they're going to the beach, and they're staying with a pet friendly property manager, boom click of a button, they can share their pets information, right with that property manager. Everything's a above the line, right, right. Well, they're saying that another pet friendly hotel or they are moving from Houston to Charlotte, they're most likely going to need a new vet, they can boom, click of a button, share their pets information, camping, whatever. The scenarios are pretty endless as to different ways that can use our pet screening profile today.


Kevin Carney 30:16

It's like TSA PreCheck. Exactly, yeah. Okay, great. Are you pre screen? So Is that Is that another opportunity that, like, I've been thinking hotels, where, when we travel with our dog, it's always hard to find a hotel that will accept the pet. There's usually a 40 pound weight limit. And so as our 50 pound dog walks into the hotel, we're like, could you just like suck it in little bit and look like you're 40 pounds? Right. So I mean, is it is that a a thing? Is that an offering offering that allows you to say this hotel accepts pets that are have a certain FICO score branding, branding that with hotels? Or is that as I'm looking for hotels? You can go find ones that are pet friendly? I didn't get a ding for that bill. Offering Come on. For


David Stunja 31:02

was that a weak one? That was above me. Yeah, that was good. That was good. Yeah. All right. Yeah. 1000 points. So we absolutely, that is 100%. In our future. Right now we are dead set on solving the problem. The pet management pet risk pet liability, collecting that data consistently in the solving that problem in the long term rental space. But looking out to other verticals? Yes, absolutely. You know, it is hard to find a pet friendly hotel, people want to travel with their pets. That's why I think you saw my hypothesis is you saw those headlines on Buzzfeed of emotional support animals in the air, right or in the airport, whatever that is, because people want to travel with their pets, right? So they're gonna be coming in anyways. So you might as well be pet friendly, pet responsible, in my mind. It's a new audience for you. And you can manage it better if you're being proactive about it. But absolutely, hotels, HOAs campgrounds, to be able to manage pets coming in and staying with your guests. And that's such a great experience. If you're the if you're the person staying in there, the family staying there, and you can bring your dog and have all kinds of maybe dog treats or pet events or you know, be the cat hotel, if that's what you want to be, it'd be a great way to find a very niche very sticky. Customer.


Kevin Carney 32:23

Sure, right. Okay, so competitors. In the beginning, we said that you're the first and foremost or maybe first and leading? Do you have competitors? I mean, I know these property management software packages, collect some information, but I've not heard of this in the past. And it sounds like you're earlier saying from marketing standpoint, since you're blazing that trail, you have to explain to people what the service is and why they need it.


David Stunja 32:51

It's absolutely yeah, so we are the first mover we've made the market, we have created a product from nothing and have to educate so we sell a lot through education to the industry. The software platforms that are out there today, pets for a long time have been an afterthought I was I was I was mentioning, there's a lot of pets out there. So. So we Yes, we are the first mover and there's some imitators or some people, which I guess is kind of like complimentary, or, you know, kind of flattery of trying to try to imitate, but we have what we have in front of us is time, and a lot of customers. So it's really important for us to turn all of our customers or as many of them as possible into advocates to just keep going and create that flywheel. So we continue to expand and we have a lot of room to run with our industry. And we're pretty excited about that.


Kevin Carney 33:39

I think it's neat how you had those channel partners of the property managers, because if you go into a 300, unit, multi tenant apartment, all of a sudden you have 300 customers, retail customers, right? Absolutely. That I guess it's a b2b to see kind of model, right? So all of a sudden you have 300 retail customers that are pet owners that you would and maybe more than 30 Pets the profiles that you would have had to done a huge amount of marketing to get those people at retail.


David Stunja 34:11

Right, exactly. And so we another thing that we see a lot is drag along we see we talked about high turnover in the in the industry. If someone experiences Property Management employee experiences our tool from their end, just this made my life so much easier. I have access to things right at my fingertips, you know, snap of your fingers, then they go to the other property down the street or to a competitor over time and to get recruited. And you're not using PetScreening. We've seen several cases of drag along where they come in kind of even at the leasing consultant level frontlines, right. You're in the office every single day having to deal with residents and new applicants giving tours. They're the ones who are almost like our biggest champions to say we need pets Korean Air across all of our properties and like we'll make so by having that kind of like grassroots support word of mouth outside of just the The big investment we've made into our marketing it, it's just the flywheel continues to spin.


Kevin Carney 35:07

That's a great network effect, right? Absolutely. Now, is it as a tenant? Do you have the same sort of network effect in that I go to another apartment complex, and they're making me flood all these forms again? And I got my profile right here. Can I just give this to you?


David Stunja 35:22

Yeah, absolutely, I think probably at a lower scale that is happening. But it is fully transportable, which I think is kind of where you're going here. And so we, if you are moving to another pet screening customer, is basically hands off, you don't need to do anything. The you own the profile. It's not an application fee per place you apply to right. So since you own it, it's fully transportable, if it's a pet screening customer, through some of our tech integrations that we have built into these property management systems, the Yardies, the intro does the MRIs, all the ones you mentioned earlier, since we have connections and integrations into the software platforms, when we see like a user move across systems or to other communities, we're able to just completely, like instantly, make that connection. So for the property manager, it's easy for the pet owner, it's easy. For the pet, it's easy, you just gotta go through the move and move your you know your bed to the new community sort of thing and meet new friends. But it's our one key component to pet screening is easy, it is simple, simple to understand, simple to use, simple to grasp.


Kevin Carney 36:23

Okay, so what other sorts of offerings, offerings Do you have? Like? So you know, you have all this customer data, you've always pet data. And I have my pet's name and my probably a picture there somewhere and some stats on on the pet. How do you use that as a way to benefit the profile owner?


David Stunja 36:45

Yeah, so today, pet owners pay us $25 a year per pet to keep that profile active. So we were trying to return as much value as possible back to that pet owner, whether that's timely discounts on pet health insurance, or a way to, you know, consider renter's insurance with with a pet component to it. Or, you know, moving with your pet is stressful for not only you but it's also really stressful for your pet are there pet products and services that can help you navigate and help that make it easier to transition to that pets new home. And so there are ways through our platform that you can take advantage of those offers and those deals more or less. But also on the on the back end, we're using that data to also create this lost and found safe and sound amber alert for pets. So we have in this very nice been, we have this new product called Fido Tabby alert. So whenever you create a profile, you're automatically enrolled into this national free network of pet owners. And so if your pet word ever get out, we will mail you a dog tag that has like your cat tag, so tabular at Fido alert. So we will mail you a tag with your Tabby alert ID on it your Fido alert ID on it. It looks like kind of like a social security number, right? But for your dog or cat on the back has got a QR code. And so if your pet gets out, someone finds your pet, they scan the QR code, you get a text, so completely free text enabled low tech, and your pet is being protected by pet screening. So all the proceeds from pet screening are actually funneling it into the social driven platform called Fido alert, Fido Tabular. And it's a great way to return value back to pet owners who are paying $25 for a profile year. Yes, there are ways that they can take advantage of that profile. It's transferable. As I mentioned, they can find a few discounts along the way. But to be enrolled in this, you know, digital platform low tech, it's easy to use. Again, simple, simple, simple. It's a great way to proactively protect your pet.


Kevin Carney 38:59

So back on that that Fido alert. So if I lose my dog, because of the art or whatnot, how do I can I can alert people?


David Stunja 39:07

Yeah, so you can issue an alert, we get people coming to our social media pages and tagging us to say I didn't even know that my husky got out, I just got a text message from a neighbor down the street and I got my dog back in 15 minutes. So it helps you to save that time from you not even knowing it got out to neighbors in your community and the network around you. So think of it if you're in a high rise apartment building. In somehow your dog gets out. Or maybe you live in one of those ground floor units and some of your dog gets out of your cat goes out the window sort of thing. And someone in the building who's already registered and in the network finds it, they can send you a text super easily just it's all secure. So you can pass information back and forth after you're authenticated. But it's a great way to return value back to our pet owners from saying hey, you're paying $25 for your per year per pet like this is a great free value driven tool to come back to them. And again, as more Pets come on our platform that allows us to spend more invest more of our proceeds into Fidler to continue to grow this network. So we can grow from, you know, half 1,000,003 quarters of a million to millions of pets across his network, and to continue to create that flywheel of not just pets in Rental Communities, but pets across the United States.


Kevin Carney 40:21

Right? Yeah, it's a great ecosystem you have for that, right? And so you mentioned the other service offerings that you provide with with you discounts on on different things, right? Do you do marketing in there? I mean, do you put like veterinary services or grooming services or, you know, food and, and products, so


David Stunja 40:44

we can help them make those connections. So again, if we know you're moving to a specific area, we have the ability, we're not doing it today, but we have the ability to say, Hey, you're most likely going to need a new vet in your area, or we can most likely help to recommend these great dog boarding facilities or pet boarding facilities, you know, within a five mile radius of you. That's all by having, you know, talking about data from a standpoint, like structured data, clean data, and to be able to use that in ways where we can find those Win Win Win opportunities when for the pet owner, because they are going to have to do this anyways. So what can we save them some time in principle right recommendations in front of them, when for the Pet Services, or the pet product business, because they're getting untapped? And in a really unique audience, and when for the property manager, because the product manager can say, hey, we're using PetScreening. When you're moving here, here's all the things that you get through your pet profile, you get connected to all these things. So that's definitely in our in our roadmap of to create this network of not just pets across the nation, but also Pet Services of saying, Hey, you can map out and and try to find the best and greatest in your area and most trusted pet services like right down the street.


Kevin Carney 41:58

That's Sony. I never thought all these things could be so part of the initial offering. Like when I first heard about this, we had dinner, what, five years ago or something like that? I'm like, Okay, well, I got it. Right. You signed up for a lease, you need to fill out some paperwork. Okay, sure. But I never thought about all different possibilities in the ecosystem you could drive. It's pretty neat. Yeah,


David Stunja 42:16

I think, you know, at the end of the day, we are at the, at the intersection of Prop tech and pet tech, and we're a SaaS platform. That's how we've always we've thought that from day one for tech. You go. Yes, yes. Yeah, that was perfect.


Kevin Carney 42:34

Bill, you're lagging here, man.


David Stunja 42:37

We gotta be, you gotta be over 10 now. And so we've always, we've always thought ourselves as SAS write software as a service, right. And over time, as we've gotten larger, as we've set our sights on higher highs, more data, millions of pets, we started to kind of really think of ourselves as data as a service. Can we find those Win Win opportunities out there for pet owners, for the pet industry? To find, you know, new connections, right, whether that's an event space, whether that's in the grooming space, but certainly by having structured clean data, and having it kind of like, being very intentional about it. You know, while this maybe wasn't part of our vision five years ago, maybe this wasn't part of John's vision seven years ago. It is certainly having that optionality is certainly beneficial down the road, as we look to try to use use data in in very positive ways.


Kevin Carney 43:38

Who would be interested in that data? Would that be like insurance companies, or the property managers and services companies?


David Stunja 43:43

It's almost the scenarios are endless, right? It could be insurers, it could be using it for underwriting, it could be for marketing and advertisers. It could be for businesses like Pet Services, pet products. It could just be for data science, how do we want to go? You know, what is? Almost for consumers? It could be you know, you have some AI engine that's like, you are this old, you live in this area, you have this much disposable income, this is a perfect breed for you. Right? Could it be this whole, like write a recommendation engine, you know, that we can help to help future pet owners to find their perfect pet the pet for them? Right, right.


Kevin Carney 44:26

So now I'm a consumer, I have all the my pet profiles in there. We talked about like a TSA PreCheck to go to hotels and whatnot, and your profile being portable. What what's the future like what's on the horizon and how you might leverage that data?


David Stunja 44:43

Yeah, sure. So you know what, where we are today is we are pet management for the rental industry. We do you mentioned that earlier b2b to CX we sell to businesses, they get us in front of pedone and consumers. With Fido alert. We launched that a year ago. So that was our first test into, can we go direct to consumer? Right? And so now that we're growing, and both of those are, you know, seemingly going positively positively, we, that opens the door for other opportunities where you're kind of going down, right? And so can we help? Hotels? Can we help? HOA managers? Can we help other verticals, to be much more pet forward, create some management, create some practices around being welcoming to pets using that data to drive their business in a way, right. And so while it's not going to impact Marriott, but they could use that pet day to say, hey, we want to start to loosen our restrictions on pet we want to be, you know, in this brand, we want to be very pet conscious and be the pet friendliest hotel, right? So it's going to be that base of data that's going to help to drive that decisions for these large corporations across the country. And the data is going to be able to help us and then kind of create that feedback loop of saying, hey, you know, we can start to create some reputational score, whether that's for service providers across the nation, or for pets and pet owners themselves to say, hey, they had a great stay that didn't cause any damage at this last department. Can they be you know, should they be recommended? You know, almost like a positive score. Reputation or a Yelp score? Oh, yeah. Score. Yeah. And so we can use that data to help to create that positive reputational management for pet owners, almost like a recommendation engine.


Kevin Carney 46:42

Or you mentioned AI earlier. And how you could use some of the data to train like an AI model to produce some predictive analytics like, what have you guys thought about using AI? Is that does it affect your business? Much? I haven't? Sure.


David Stunja 46:56

Absolutely. So AI to us, there's, again, something that's almost like the, the scenarios are endless with this, right? There's such a powerful technology, it's very applicable, it's right at our fingertips. So for us, like, I can think about several ways that we can use that internally to our company, whether that's like tapping into like sales data, who's you know, propensity to buy pet screening or propensity to like, want to load on pet screening? How we service our customers and our pet owners on our platform? Can they come in ask a question, you know, large language model and, you know, on top of all of our data, can we put this platform on top of our data, and use that to drive ways that we can serve as customers but better, that's just internal to pet screening, different ways to find efficiencies and very manual processes? Right. It's all in front of us. As far as coming back to consumers. Yeah, I mean, again, kind of going back to a recommendation engine of saying, hey, you know, almost like a, you know, recommending the perfect breed for you across our data set. And we can correlate, you know, different users, statistics, data points on pets, and location information, all of that can help drive some recommendation engine of like, hey, this would be the perfect pet for you. One example. Another example. Could be where's the best, you know, almost like that, you know, a thread right? To borrow like a new product out there, right? I've just like, you know, I want to stay in XYZ place. It's a pet friendly hotel, like, we could definitely feed data into there to have like, Okay, if we have in time, you know, this is a whiteboard idea, brainstorm idea. But like, over time, if we have this reputational score, whether that's for pet owners, and service providers, now we can start to like have data to drive those like, top ranked 10, pet responsible, pet friendly, best experiences hotels out there in the southeast. Right, right. And that's all gonna be AI that helps to generate that. But it's going to be a clean data set that helps to helps to get their


Kevin Carney 48:55

right to do there's no authority, there's no reputational authority to say this is a good pet friendly hotel, or this is a good pet friendly owner, correct? Yeah, correct. It's bilateral. Bi Directional.


David Stunja 49:05

So we're, we're very excited about data.


Kevin Carney 49:08

Alright, David, so you mentioned earlier that your SaaS company are you how do you categorize your company? Are you a services company? Are you a technology company? Are you both like Like, like, how do you wake up in the morning and think about pet screening,


David Stunja 49:24

whereas software company software, so data forward product forward and giving customers a great experience through interacting with our product, you can use our product in several different ways. So it has to be completely configurable, very dynamic, and easy to access. It is not an app, but everything is simple, be able to log in, you get what you need out of it, get access right at your fingertips. So at the end of the day, we are a software company that happens to generate a significant amount of data that we hope to use for all positive, positive things and kind of creating that win win win relationships out there across the industry. And where we can connect into the services piece is to use that data to help, you know, either funnel in in and try to direct users into, you know, beneficial services downstream. Great. Yep. So over time PetScreening, you know, PetScreening will become a suite of brands, it's, we're on our way we have PetScreening, which we've talked a lot about, you know, we solve the pet problems for long term property management. We have Fido alert, Fido, Tabby alert, so lost and found safe and sound amber alert for pets, nationwide network of people wanting to digitally protect their pets. We also acquired a I brought some gifts. So like we acquired we bought a a content asset by the name of better pet better, so better pet.com. So better pet.com Is all veterinarian approved content. Can my dogs eat papaya? What do I do with my dog? If it can eat chocolate? What do I need to do if my dog is throwing up at three in the morning after eating a chicken bone? So it's all this content veterinarian approved, that helps pet owners to find the answers that they need very quickly.


Kevin Carney 51:18

That's probably a great use case for your large language model. Right? Yeah,


David Stunja 51:22

so other ways to use AI is to you know, almost be that chat engine. Right? I think that's where a lot of the everything's focused right now. It'd be you know, questionnaire response. And it to be a trusted, vetted, you know, detailed information, what you need one time, not very repetitive, right? Right. Take the guesswork out of it and the research out of it. So better. And this is also a way that we can drive value back to our pet owners. So on pet screening, if you're paying $25 a year for that profile, you can get breed, cut, like custom breed content, right your fingertips. So we can segment that content in a way and, and drive that content to the cat owners out there who might have we able to take that content and put it in front of Labrador Retriever owners out there are golden doodle owners or Pipal owners and be really customized with the content that that they see in their dashboard with their pet screening profile. So over again, over time this will be turned this will turn into a suite of brands pet screening, Fido tabular, better pet, hopefully a product over time that can serve as other verticals that we've talked about, like hotels HOAs, what have you. And so pet screening itself while today is known really in the long term rental space over time will become more of an entity that represents pet management. Everywhere Sure. Wherever you live work play or stay that's one of our company missions is to help you to protect and manage your pet wherever you live workplace day.


Kevin Carney 52:55

You don't you say work. I hadn't thought about that. Workplaces being a place where you might want to have your your pet pre screened. Like we have people bring their pets into our office once in a while. We're not We're not pet friendly. We're not pet. not friendly. We're just people people bring their pet in when they want. But yeah, you do wonder Oh, do they have a vaccine delivery be shot? Well, this dog play while the other so that'd be a good another work, work, live, say live,


David Stunja 53:24

work, live, work, play or stay each day? So yeah, absolutely. So and then, you know, larger employers who had a few conversations with who've reached out to us. They want to bring their employees back into the office, they'll even you know, three years after, you know, three and a half years, since the pandemic has has hit. Folks are still mostly working remote across large organizations, bring them back into office, have a designated pet day just be pet friendly, have different pet incentives. And you can use right you're you build custom enterprise software, right? Pet management is low on your list of things to figure out on a day to day basis. Is there a platform out there that you could use to help you make those decisions to help you configure what it should or shouldn't be? You're starting from square one, you're going to improvise? Right? Right. So can you Is there a platform out there where you can help to manage that. And we hope to change that. We hope to be an answer to that question. Someday,


Kevin Carney 54:27

you're getting COVID on both sides, you're getting COVID as people were kicked out of the office, and they all bought pets, and then you're you're you're getting COVID on the other side, we're here to come back in the office and now they've got all these pets,


David Stunja 54:37

right? So everyone went adopted pets, and they want to take them everywhere. So how can you do that? As a consumer? How do you handle that from a service provider? And so we want to be at the intersection of not just prop tech and pet tech. We want to be like, you know, everywhere pet management, live work, play or stay.


Kevin Carney 54:54

That's great. That's great. So better pet Was that was that was an acquisition or is that a


David Stunja 54:58

new pet.com we acquired it was a brand. It just so happened to be based in Charlotte, North Carolina, we acquired it six months ago. Perfect. It is a way to say, you know, what should I do with my pets? If my dog is afraid of fireworks? Well,


Kevin Carney 55:15

shots, the great thunder


David Stunja 55:16

shirts, fire alert.com, digitally protect or manage, you know your pet proactively. So it was a way to also promote other products when the time is right.


Kevin Carney 55:26

All right. And then if my profile is already in pet screening, then I can do that. It should give context to what I'm asking, right? It's not I don't have to start off if I go to pet.com Like Lady for dog give a cat? What kind of dog do you have? How old you like it, all that information is in there, I can start asking my questions.


David Stunja 55:43

Absolutely. Right. And so it's a way to bring custom content to pet owners. It's a way to grow our audience organically to Fido alert or to other you know, products that we pet screening or other products in the future. And so it's a it's a way that this kind of live across all brands have that pet screening umbrella.


Kevin Carney 56:05

Are you considering adding like social aspects to this? I mean, it's kind of like a Facebook for pets? It could absolutely right going back to like a lot of take pictures of their dogs and their cats and their pets. And


David Stunja 56:16

yeah, and so we see that all the time. And like people take their pet photography very seriously, in some cases, going back to like the, you know, the intergalactic backgrounds, like in the 80s or early 90s. Lasers shooting everywhere and like sure, holding your little grumpy cat. Right? Exactly, exactly. So people get pretty serious about it. There's definitely fun angles we can take. But we are a software company. So first is let's get a product out there. Let's get it live that gets users on it. Let's iterate off of that. Let's then make sure that our data is clean and structured over time. Absolutely. You know, the social show social scenarios and the ways that it can be used. Just for you know, tongue in cheek, little fun fun things, either social media or, or kind of creating this whole network, right. And maybe it's in your neighborhood, you can have this whole social platform just around pets and booking and in reserving or just saying meeting up sort of thing, right? A lot of potential here, right? Yeah,


Kevin Carney 57:11

we don't have any ideas, you have to pick off the ones that are most critical right now. Which one's gonna wait, that's probably the hardest part is not coming up with ideas is prioritizing.


David Stunja 57:20

Yeah. And I already suffer from shiny object syndrome. So having her team and attack squirrels


Kevin Carney 57:27

that like like dog and up squirrel, squirrel.


David Stunja 57:31

Yeah, and I like chocolate like Kevin too. So being being able to have our team really focused, these are the five things whether you joined our pack at the beginning of the year, or you're joining our pack tomorrow. Having that, you know, one thing we've really been focused on in our growth is to not lose that concise clear communication up front, and we say, Hey, you welcome to our pack. Here's where we're going. Here's what we're doing right now. We could talk about this for weeks and months on end, the scenarios keep going and going and playing off one another AI or MLMs, and products and social media, what have you. So we're still we've set the foundation. But we still need to kind of grow that base can continue to grow our audience. And as we get to millions, hopefully over time, 10s of millions of pets on our platform, folks who are saying yes, I want to proactively digitally manage my pets, that starts to open up all these different opportunities and avenues for us that we're really excited about. Absolutely. Can I create a segment? Oh, can I create excitement? And I'll call it super Lutz's. Oh, wow. So while we're on the topic of data, I brought in some proprietary unique stats


Kevin Carney 58:44

that has not been shared anywhere else. Oh, God first first, ever it says


David Stunja 58:49

we're breaking news. Okay. So I'll call it the most versatile name across dogs and cats. Do you want to drop Do you want to drum roll? Yeah.


Kevin Carney 58:58

Oh, that's it. So this. You're doing a segment here. Okay, great. Okay.


David Stunja 59:03

I'm stealing the host.


Kevin Carney 59:04

You know what, that's great to have a segment after this. Okay. Yeah.


David Stunja 59:07

So the most versatile name across dogs and cats. For females versatile or like, like popular universal name. First one name. It goes across both species. Okay. Okay. Yep.


Kevin Carney 59:20

Can I guess? Yeah.


David Stunja 59:21

For for females.


Kevin Carney 59:24

Female owners or female pets.


David Stunja 59:25

The pet name?


Kevin Carney 59:26

It's a female pet name. Yep. Flat fluffy. Is that No, that's not a Bella Bella. Oh, really?


David Stunja 59:35

most versatile name for males. Dogs and cats.


Kevin Carney 59:41

Chateau Milo, Milo. All right.


David Stunja 59:45

You'll get this one. Male boxers. What's the number one name? Boxer the breed.


Kevin Carney 59:52

What is Denise's dog's name? I should know this. Dempsey. Dempsey.


David Stunja 59:57

Oh Rocky, Rocky male boxer All right. Tyson's number four. Oh, just the most popular name across species. Dog cat rabbits.


Kevin Carney 1:00:14

I'll go back and fluffy.


David Stunja 1:00:15

Louis was it now it's turning into Trivia This wasn't supposed to be true. Wow. Yeah. Luna number one. I have trivia for you. Okay, number one for cats. Number two for dogs number three for rabbits. Luna, which means moon means Moon Moon is very popular. Rabbits. Oreo in BonBon are tied for number one name for rabbits. Bun Bun and Oreo.


Kevin Carney 1:00:38

Kind of black and white, I


David Stunja 1:00:39

guess. Right. All right. Well, we're gonna do like a movie. Second. Our Rabbit was was fluffy. So I keep going back to the movie segment. Most Popular rodent name


Kevin Carney 1:00:50



David Stunja 1:00:51

Remy. Yes. Okay, you got it. We'll give you credit for that one. Sure. Yes. Okay, I'll just go through these ones. The number number three female cat name is Nala. Okay. Number five. Oh, name is simple.


Kevin Carney 1:01:07

Simba. Yeah. Sibling means in Swahili? I don't know. Lion. Yes. Rafiki means friend. He was like the prescribed thing.


David Stunja 1:01:15

There's a there's ones that names 15 to 20% of indoor cats are not always vaccinated. Oh, they're indoor. They don't need to be vaccinated. So make sense? Maybe? Yep. Yeah. We use that one in sales. Okay. All right. We have. There's a lot more than you think. But there are 40 more pets named Kevin. On our platform than Bill goat. But wow. 4040 more out of out of pheasant or 40? Out of hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, or 1000s.


Kevin Carney 1:01:52

If I want you to name your pet, Kevin, or bill or Bill,


David Stunja 1:01:56

there's bill, Billy. Lots of them. But more than David.


Kevin Carney 1:01:59

So it wasn't you guys because he wasn't Kevin in in up the name that Big Bird. That was the captain.


David Stunja 1:02:05

Correct? Yeah. All right. Well, that was all right. I want to bring some fun stats that I'm not traveling up. And so by having structured data and having a team, it was like intentional about this, this is like, I can send them a message and be like, Hey, I'm gonna be on this podcast. I just need a few like, and that was just like, the straw that broke the camel's back. And like, we were sending all kinds of stuff back and forth.


Kevin Carney 1:02:25

Campbell. Yeah. Okay. So that's where you can use your large language models.


David Stunja 1:02:30

Exactly. Yeah. So like little fun stuff like little cheeky. I don't know, we're all about the names.


Kevin Carney 1:02:35

Yeah, I get it. Okay. So I have a factor of fiction. These are what Trivia This is my site segment. For baby factor fiction. Yep. Okay, so I'm gonna ask you, there's five different statements here and some are true and some are false. He's telling me if they're true or false. Okay. You should be good at this now. Right? Yep. Your score. Okay. All right. A cat's nose is like a fingerprint. No two are the same. Drew, what's your confidence level that it gets like


David Stunja 1:03:01

90 fibers?


Kevin Carney 1:03:02

Yeah, it's true. It's true. That is true.


David Stunja 1:03:04

So there are companies out there that will create a mold of your cat's nose and put it on jewelry? What? Oh, it's crazy. All right. Well, yep. People love their pets.


Kevin Carney 1:03:15

Wow. Learn something new every day. Okay. A goldfish can only remember for three seconds. Approximately three seconds. True. Yeah, if you're Ted less a fan. No, it's wrong. Oh, it's false. Yeah, Ted Lhasa says yeah be a goldfish like like if you go screw up be a goldfish. Forget about it. Move on. But yeah, apparently they can remember for like months. Yeah. Wow. All right now you missed that one.


David Stunja 1:03:39

All right. Michael flesh hates us then.


Kevin Carney 1:03:43

Dogs cannot get appendicitis. False. I feel like I'm set up for the I too many negatives. So you're saying that they can get appendicitis. Let me ask a different Can dogs get appendicitis? No, they cannot. Do you know why


David Stunja 1:04:03

5050 shot?


Kevin Carney 1:04:05

I gotta read. They don't have an appendix. Interesting. Yeah. Interesting. All right, plus one. All right. All right. Birds can go days without eating. false as false. So, according to pet insurance.com Birds must eat at least half its own weight and food each day.


David Stunja 1:04:30

Who knew said I want to get them to eat half of them


Kevin Carney 1:04:33

once a day. At least half its own weight and food each day. I'm gonna I'm gonna steal that one. Yeah. All right. That's a good one. All right. And then number five. There are more hamsters per capita in Hawaii than in any other state. Drew, it's false. Do you know why? Because they're illegal in Hawaii because they don't want them to get out and like start breeding. That's a good one. And eating crops and whatnot. Yeah, yes.


David Stunja 1:05:03

Yeah. Why stop at hamster? Is there a bonus round?


Kevin Carney 1:05:07

There's no bonus round. Sorry, but we have 12333 edits five. Okay, three to five ain't bad. Right. All right.


David Stunja 1:05:13

I don't know you're keeping score. I would have kept score. Oh, yeah, I


Kevin Carney 1:05:15

probably Yeah. Mine were a little more binary. Right. Well, David has been a pleasure. Congratulations to you and the pet screening team. The Hurt herd pack pack


David Stunja 1:05:30

pets green pack pets. Welcome to the pack.


Kevin Carney 1:05:32

Welcome to the pack. But yeah, congratulations on all your success to date and best wishes for future. And what's the best way for folks to get in touch with you if they want to learn more about your service? david@patreon.com David S. green.com. Okay, Bill, thank you for being our scorekeeper and audio engineer. You're welcome. Hopefully you did record this and didn't hit pause along the way. We'll see. If I call you back then. Okay. All right. Well, thank you for joining us for another episode of Kings bins beyond the builder podcast, where we showcase interesting innovators from the Charlotte area. Until the next podcast go build something Awesome.

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